Total environmental control is essential for proper operation of your sensitive electronic equipment.The high cost of downtime demands uncompromising reliability and precision year after year. Longrecognized as the standard in environmental control systems for computer dependent operations, theDeluxe System/3 is built to the highest specifications in the industry with proven components and design. Upflow or downflow models to suit ducted and raised floor applications. Microprocessor Control. State-of-the-art controls maximize cooling, humidity control, and energy efficiency. Semi-Hermetic Compressors. Designed into the Deluxe System/3, the twin, semi-hermeticcompressors are nearly four times as reliable as their hermetic counterparts and provide greaterenergy efficiency. Liebert Manufactured Condensers & Drycoolers. Only Liebert manufactures its own air-cooled condensers and drycoolers to ensure perfect compatibility. Energy Saving options. GLYCOOL, Four-Step, and Dual-Cooling Source systems are available for even more energy efficiency. Customer Service and Support. 24-hour toll-free hotline. Factory-trained service. Extended Warranties. Available from 6 to 30 tons, Lieberts Deluxe System/3 provides reliable environmental control for a variety of applications. Data Processing Telecommunications Industrial Processes Medical Other Critical Electronic Systems
Total environmental control is essential for proper operation of your sensitive electronic equipment |