The waste water department operates in a multidisciplinary field. We often assist our Road and Building departments with the drainage components of their projects. We also get involved in major multidisciplinary public building and planning projects.
We have vast experience of multidisciplinary projects drawing on Rambolls global know-how in geo-techniques, contaminated soil and construction. We have been involved in everything from major EIA studies for motorway drainage to the design of sewage systems in the Nordic Region.
When it comes to integrating rainwater into urban environments, Ramboll is the worlds leading consultant. During the last 10 years we have been involved in urban development projects that apply rainwater to recreational areas.
The systematic operation and maintenance of waste water facilities prevents many problems and provides our customers with a financial summary view. Ramboll has developed a straight forward system that allows the user to manage the operation and maintenance of basins, buildings, canals and pumping stations efficiently.
Because of our many years of experience in the design of pipelines, basins, canals, drains, pumping stations and overflows, we can guarantee our customers will gain access to a high degree of professionalism and expertise.
A major part of the sewage system is in bad shape and large amounts of money need to be invested to renovate them. Through detailed planning, it will be possible to optimise these investments. We provide our customers with an overview of their sewage system and help them plan future cost effective renovation projects.
Ensuring the quality of water requires constant focus on waste water discharge and well-functioning purifying plants. Ramboll is a front-runner in this field having established one of the largest industrial purifying plants in Denmark. The development of new methods for removing heavy metals from road water is the result of our innovative approach to problem solving.
At Ramboll, we help our customers quantify the financial consequences of climate change and then find new solutions in response. We use MOUSE and MIKE Urban-calculations for planning, and MIKE FLOOD for modelling ground flooding to give our customers a summary view of the consequences of heavy rain in the coming years.
Heavy rainfalls are occurring more and more frequently around the world, and will continue to increase in frequency. As climate change takes affect, climate adaptation work is being taken more seriously.
Rambolls specialists are highly experienced in waste water planning. We work closely with local governments and regularly involve politicians and administrative personnel. We apply the most recent Geographic Information System (GIS) tools in our work and supply our clients with customised digital waste water plans.
Current legislation defines requirements for new municipal waste water plans. Our experience in developing waste water plans helps us transform the demands made by the EU Waterframe Directive into real solutions. Our customers benefit from this knowledge when they create water and action plans.
Ramboll has many years experience with all types of waste water consulting services. And we have a thorough knowledge of the design of waste water collection systems all over the world.
We help our customers choose the optimum financial and energy efficient solutions within the areas of:
Waste waterThe safe handling of rain and waste water is essential to public health and is an important factor for reducing |