The Ecologix V-Series DAF System is the most efficient DAF System on the market today. Utilizing several unique features to maximize sludge capture our V Series DAF is not only cost effective but
extremely low maintenance and versatile.
Up To 99.9% TSS/FOG Removal and 75% BOD Reduction... Unmatched Performance!
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is a water treatment process that clarifies wastewater through the removal of suspended matter such as oil, greases or solids. Removal is achieved by injecting
pressurized air into the wastewater where micro-bubbles then interact with the suspended solid particles. This interaction causes these particles to float to the surface of the DAF where they are
then skimmed and separated.
V-Series Dissolved Air Flotation systems benefits:
- Performance guarantee providing assurance that your discharge requirements will be met or exceeded.
- Cleanest effluent levels of any Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) presently available with TSS as low as 5 ppm.
- Lowest ongoing maintenance requirements of any Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) system.
- Compact, optimized foot print that is also easy to operate and maintain.
- Capable of producing 10% dry sludge.
Technical Benefits:
- Increased air to solid ratio.
- Air bubbles down to 5 microns in size (allowing for greater sludge separation and dryer sludge).
- Multi-Point Air Injection creating a constant upward pressure on the sludge.
- Counter Flow Sludge Skimming eliminating possibility of driving sludge back into the cleaner water.
- Weir and skimmer system polisher at the final stage of the process, resulting in lowering TSS count in effluent water.
Ecologix V Series DAF Systems are a complete Dissolved Air Flotation System comprising the following components:
Dissolved Air Floatation