No maintenance required.
- whole hydraulic circuit: install the conditioner right after the water-meter and, when present, after water pumps, autoclaves and tanks.
- washing machine: install the conditioner right after the cold water feeding tap;
- water heaters: install the conditioner to the cold water mains, before the water heater;
- boilers with hot water return: it is necessary to install 2 conditioners-1 to the cold water mains before the boiler-1 to the hot water returning line;
- boilers without hot water return: install the conditioner to the cold water mains, before the boiler;
- boiler/water heaters: if water flow does not overpass 18 l/min, install before the heater or to the cold water mains;
Install the conditioner directly to the point-of-use as per the following indications:
Remark: use a pre-filter unit to protect the magnetic conditioner, choose a model equal in size of IN/OUT ports.
Remark: water treated with magnetic conditioners can be heated up to 90, above that temperature the anti scale effect will be gradually loosen.
The water is forced to pass through the interstices of the magnetic elements, thus resulting in a maximum of exposure to magnetic force, which modify the molecular structure of calcareous crystals.
MAG is made of a cylindrical body ending with BSP threaded ports. The MAG core carries the permanent magnets, whose intensity is not affected by water flow.
MAG series, the magnetic anti scale conditioners, function creating a magnetic field that avoid the formation of calcareous incrustation in hydraulic circuits of and heating systems.
MAG series, the magnetic anti scale conditioners, function creating a magnetic field |