For Sale
The complete plant which consist of:
4 - 1250 horsepower (Fairbanks Morse) electric motors and pumps
2 - Ross variable drive frequency drives (VFD) Model 2400. Each VFD is rated to control up to 1390 HP. In this installation, each is controlling either one of two 1250 HP vertical pump motors.
2 - 400 KVAR, 2,770 VAC Input Filters
4 - Westinghouse V202 Roll-out, 400amp starters
Component motor control center for the 4 - 1250 HP Motors
2 - 2,300:2,200, 1,250 KVA Input Transformers
1 - Main-Tie-Main Outdoor 2,400 VAC Switch Lineup
Associated pipe connections and valves feeding the pumps.
Pictures of all pieces of equipment along with name plates are available as well as specifications and capabilities. Equipment has been regularly maintained and rebuilt.
Large Water Treatment Pump Station For Sale.
Good use for waste water treatment or for irrigation purposes