To become the best micro-filter manufacturer, the micro-filter business of Woongjin Chemical will work to meet the diverse needs of our customers with advanced R&D processes that aims to achieve highest standards of product differentiation and customer satisfaction.
Having started the micro-filter business in 1997, Woongjin Chemical manufactures cartridge, mini and capsule filters to support various application needs. Our filters are composed of media filters ranging from polypropylene to Teflon to cater to specific customer requirements.
CSM (Customer Satisfaction Membranes) is our product brand name for our filter products at Woongjin Chemical. Our brand initiative is to represent superior levels of technical service and high quality solutions.
The goal of Woongjin Chemical's micro-filter business is to achieve thorough customer satisfaction in the filtration and separation area. To achieve this goal, Woongjin Chemical Co., Ltd.
strives to provide the highest level of filtration solutions in the global market through cutting-edge filtration technologies and outstanding customer service.
depth cartridge, pleated cartridge, wound and bag filters as well as filter housings |