Prevent sludge and ammoniabuild-up. Control blooming of harmful green and blue algae. Eco-system of pondwill be balanced. Increase growth rate of fish, prawn and mortality rate willbe reducing.
6) Aquaculture
Prevent disease and increaseharvest yield. Act as a soil inoculates.
5) Agriculture
Sanitize and control badodors. Maintain good health.
4) Life stock (AnimalHusbandry)
Convert F.O.G (Fat, Oils andGrease) to CO2 and water effectively. Foul odor eliminated.
3) Grease Trap
Set as a killer toxin.Control Ammonia build-up. Effective within minutes
2) Odor Removal
Wastewater Treatment reduceB.O.D and C.O.D. Foul Odor will be eliminated, digest sludge, Fat, Oils andGrease.
1) Wastewater Treatment
Wide Range ofApplication
- Veterinary Clinic
- Livestock Farm
- Aquaculture
- Agriculture
- Sewage plants, toilets,refuse areas and land field
- Processing plants, wetmarkets and abattoirs
- Industrial, Commercial andanimal farm waste water
Applicable To
Digests Fats, Protein,Carbohydrate, Cellulose, Bad Organic Odor and Waste Products.
Waste water Treatment reduce B. O. D and C. O. D. Foul Odor will be eliminated, digest sludge, Fat, Oils and Grease.