Florida Aquastore can provide a turnkey design-construct wastewater treatment system customized to meet environmental discharge regulations, water re-use goals, and budget constraints. The Florida Aquastore package plants are designed for Industrial, Commercial, and Domestic wastewater applications and can accommodate flow rates between 5,000 GPD and 3.0 Million GPD.
Aquastore? large volume reservoirs, standpipes and water treatment tanks with glass-fused-to-steel coating offer three distinct advantages: cost-effective construction and installation; bolted lap joints for rapid assembly in any location; and dependable performance with low maintenance costs.
Glass-fused-to-steel bolted tanks offer several advantages that have contributed to their rapid acceptance. They are cost effective. The Factory Glass fused to steel process eliminates the weather
delays and variables affecting the quality of field applied coatings. The tanks can be pre-engineered for future vertical expansion. Bolted tanks can be erected in remote locations and be designed
for relocation. Best of all, their performance is dependable, with minimal maintenance costs.
The factory-applied silica glass coating on Aquastore tanks forms a hard, inert barrier for both the interior and exterior of surfaces of the tank. It protects the steel core against weather and
corrosion. The Aquastore tank's proprietary Edgecoat process produces a barrier along the sheet edge. No other bolted tank manufacturer has this technology.
Florida-Aquastore has been installing storage tanks since the early 1970's. Today, We use Aquastore? tanks are found in virtually every segment of the water market. Florida-Aquastore has extensive experience in designing and installing waste water treatment systems. Florida-Aquastore will design your system and our "Certified Builders" will build the foundation slab, erect the tanks, and install plant internal components complete with mechanical equipment, start-up and operator training.
Equipment.net is a specialty contractor building water storage tanks & turnkey Wastewater Treatments Plants featuring the Aquastore glass-fused-to-steel non-corrosive tank system. Our primary area of operation is Florida, the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America.