"I worked with Jason and Jim at Heisler Green, and I haven't found a question they couldn't answer"
In addtion to the mainstream boiler treatments, Heisler Green has several accessory treatments including Pre-Clean and Layup chemicals as well as antifoam and dispersants.
Heisler Green has individual treatments such as DEAE and Cyclohexylamine as well as specific, proprietary blends of these chemicals. The steamline treatments can be used in any system and with any other boiler treatment and can also be included in a "One-Drum" solution.
Heisler Green carries both online and offline descale treatments. In addition to metal-safe polymer and chelant based online treatments, Heisler Green has a unique offline product. As an alternative to acid cleaning, HG carries a product line that will remove scale in the same manner as acid, but it will not attack the metal in the system.
Heisler Green has an array of liquid and solid chemical blends that can be applied in any steam boiler situation. Separate scale inhibitors and oxygen scavengers are available in addition to "One-Drum" Solutions. All of our chemicals can be certified to USDA and NSF requirements. Heisler Green will also custom blend chemicals for your exact needs.
Scale and Corrosion Control
Heisler Green has an array of liquid and solid chemical blends that can be applied in any steam boiler situation |