Replacement DAF Clarifier Parts
One Source Turnkey Team Contractor
Project Management, Manufacturing and Installation
Quality Control and Traceability of Products
After Sale Maintenance Inspections
Companies Located in Northeast Central Wisconsin, USA
One Year Warranty on Our Products
Competitive Pricing and Service
Cost Saving Advantages Include:
Accurate Mechanical Contractors, Inc. (AMCI) is the manufacturer and installer of different types andmanufactured names of dissolved air clarifiers. We do refurbish many types of clarifiers and replace old,obsolete air dissolving systems. This knowledge and service cant be overlooked when compared to the alternative of purchasing an new DAF clarifier system. We are committed to satisfying our customer's needs. If you require a turnkey installation or a rebuild of your existing clarifier, sludge press, side hill, or separator, please contact us. Together, we pursue performance and competence, forging integrity and trust in our interactions with customers. AMCI has the exclusive manufacturing rights for the fabrication of DAF Corporations wastewater treatment products.
Accurate Mechanical Contractors, Inc. :Working Together With DAF Corp.
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This is a plug flow type coagulation/flocculation process configured in a long pipe of constant diameter. |