PO Box 127 Wayland, MA 01778
specific handling precautions)
DO NOT FREEZE. Store in cool dry location. Avoid excessive skin contact (See MSDS sheet for
Storage and handling
100 pound quantity sold in fiber drums
Container sizes: 40 pound quantity sold in 5- gallon pails
Bacteria Plate Count: 4 Billion per gram. Blend of Bacillus Spores
Contents: Oxygen Generating Compounds, Bacterial Spores, Nutrients, and buffering agents
Color: White
Form: Solid Granules
WT- X Wastewater Treatment Granules Product Specifications
Pipe and/or channel geometry
Travel time
Stream velocity
Sulfate concentration
Nutrient and organic load concentration
Flow rate
Factors Influencing Hydrogen Sulfide Production in Wastewaters
large quantities by erupting volcanoes and fumaroles.
Hydrogen sulfide also has uses as an antiseptic and bleach. Hydrogen is emitted naturally in
used in the petroleum, rubber, and mining industries, and in the manufacture of sulfur.
chemicals, in metallurgy, and as a reagent in laboratory analysis. Hydrogen sulfide is widely
naturally by decaying organic matter. Its chief industrial use is in the manufacture of
hydrogen sulfide can cause headaches, nausea and eye irritation. Hydrogen sulfide is formed
infrastructure can occur at air- borne levels as low as 10 ppm. Even low concentrations of
corrosive and is flammable at high concentrations. In fact, significant degradation of sewer
rotten eggs and is slightly more dense than air. Hydrogen sulfide is soluble in water, is highly
Hydrogen sulfide (chemical formula H
About Hydrogen Sulfide
PO Box 127 Wayland, MA 01778
this product alleviating concerns over worker safety (See MSDS sheets for detailed handling procedures)
manner using no hazardous or staining compounds. There are no special handling requirements for using
O2Bios WT-X granules effectively treat water-borne contaminants in an environmentally friendly
sulfide generation takes place
Aerobic bacteria rapidly digest solids under aerobic conditions to prevent:
Environmentally friendly biological process
Enhances BOD and COD removal
Customized formulas to meet your specific effluent characteristics
Works in lift stations, force mains and gravity sewers into the treatment plant or receiving body
Manual or automatic application
Lower treatment costs compared to other less effective products
Non-toxic, non-staining
Reduces the accumulation of fats, oils and greases (FOG)
Controls hydrogen sulfide formation reducing corrosion and odors
Benefits of WT-X Granules;
be realized.
minutes) provides a crop of new bacteria more 30 times in a 5-hour period than would otherwise
effluent flows to the receiving structure. Reducing the reproduction time by half (from 60 to 30
Increased bacteria reproduction rates provide a healthy crop of newly formed bacteria as the
WT-X granules to out compete naturally occurring bad bacteria.
Bacterial metabolic rate is increased up to 10 fold in an oxygenated environment which allows
prevent hydrogen sulfide formation that occurs in the absence of oxygen.
WT-X granules increase dissolved oxygen levels in a wastewater to create aerobic conditions and
into harmless elemental compounds.
WT-X granules create an environment that promotes rapid digestion of decaying organic matter
How It Works
granules provide effective hydrogen sulfide control with the added benefit of controlling grease buildup.
hydrogen sulfide and grease problems in sewer collection systems and associated infrastructure. WT-X
O2Bios Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Granules (WT-X) are specifically formulated to combat
WT-X Granules
PO Box 127 Wayland, MA 01778
Granule wastewater treatment