Clarifiers, HRSCC | |
Clarifiers are used typically for reducing suspended solids load by coagulation and settling method. High Rate Solids Contact Clarifier is used in applications, where the inlet solids
load is variable and if the solids are fine. Flocs formed in flocculator are settled in Tube or plate (lamella) settlers or in the settling zone of a clarifier. These equipment are used
in river or lake water for high flow rates and also in ETP STPs.
Feature Available in both the civil as well as MS constructions and the range is complete in itself to fulfill the specific customer requirements. Designed with precision, these plants ensure smooth and trouble-free operation and can be used to handle variable load of solids, anaerobic as well as aerobic treatments. Supports advanced processes such as SAFF, UASB etc and provide effective sludge handling. |
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Clarifiers, HRSCC can be used for applications such as pretreatment of surface water source and applications in municipal supply treatment plants, ETPs and STPs. These can also be used for floriculture, agriculture and horticulture farms, sugar factories, fertilizers, chemicals, textiles, power plants and in applications, where large capacity is |
Sanitary Finish Plants for Pharma and Mineral Water |