Process Membrane Applications...
Our separations division possesses the right resources and professional experience to ensure right separation solution for varied customer needs. Under this platform we provide state of the art
systems with cross flow and dead end filtration and integrate them fully with your process chain.
We are fully backed by M/s GE Betz for process applications of Osmonics Membranes and Filter Cartridges. We enjoy full technical backup and application know-how from M/s GE Betz for their diverse
range of Micro, Ultra, Nano Filtration and RO Membranes. GE product range is unmatched in the world and is far superior than competition.
Some of the membrane process applications include:-
CED Paint Concentration
Enzyme Purification/Concentration
Bulk Drug Purification/Concentration
Textile Dyes Desalting
Whey Fractionation
Protein Purification/Concentration
Alkaline Cleaning Waste Reclamation
Fruit Juice Concentration