Nursing homes, apartments
Offices, reception areas
Hospitals, clinics, surgeries
Food processing areas
Laboratories, research rooms
Warehouses, cold storages
Restaurants, bars, pubs
Saunas, spas,
Fitness centers
Shops, cool rooms
Toilets, kitchens, smoking rooms
Waste and garbage holding areas
Model W-2500 / W-5000 Ozone Generators
Max. Ozone Output :
2,500 / 5,000 mg / hr
Dimension (W x H x D) :
415 x 510 x 215 mm (W-2500)
450 x 600 x 220 mm (W-5000)
Weight :
16.5 / 19.5 kg
Number of electrodes :
2 / 4 Electrodes
How does ozone work?
All series of O3 GLOBE ozone generators produce naturally occurring ozone. When introduced into an environment, ozone quickly breaks down as it combines with
gaseous odorant molecules and harmful microbes, e.g. bacteria, viruses and molds,
destroying all odor characteristics by totally destroying the source.
Ozone is more effective in destroying odors than household chemicals are because it actually kills bacteria and destroy the chemical compounds responsible for the smell
instead of just masking one smell with another.