Low dry-weather water level, to reduce volume and cost of clean-out
Convenient access points to simplify inspection and evacuation
A large pollutant storage capacity, for less frequent abrasions
these features:-
The CH Grit Remover system is designed to minimize maintenance requirements with
during plant start-up.
troubleshooting. Process engineers are also available to assist operating personnel
mechanical service personnel to assist contractors in equipment checkout and
To insure proper operation and maintenance of the equipment, we provide a team of
treatment industries.
furnished. CH Grit Remover is used for the municipal and industrial wastewater
equipment design, thus a complete grit removal system of any type or size can be
grit removal situation. The latest technology is incorporated into the process and
CH Grit Remover is a well-constructed and durable grit separation equipment to fit every
CH Grit Remover is a well-constructed and durable grit separation equipment |