Remove sodium, potassium and salt from water softeners and other unwanted contaminants with our state of the art Reverse Osmosis System.Pure drinking water at the touch of a button. Our RO systems feature state of the art technology at a budget price. You should NEVER drink the water from a water softener, and drinking bottled water is too expensive and you never know what quality the bottled water is. Our RO units remove the unhealthy sodium and salt softeners leave behind as well as other dissolved solids, nitrates and heavy metals. With our state of the art home reverse osmosis drinking water systems you never have to worry about how well your water is filtered. It will even remove chemicals, carcinogens and human waste from the sewage treatment plant process or septic systems. Featuring easy to replace filters and the complete RO unit is easy to install; ours are the best RO Systems available on the market today! Compare to other units those in-home commissioned sales people are selling for $600 to $1500. Ours are just as good and in most cases far superior. Premium Equipment-Budget Prices.If you want to know why you can not drink the water from a water softener read this article please:Drinking Soft Water Hazards We also carry a mineral cartridge for those who want to put the minerals back that ROs take out of drinking water, and to raise the pH to a more alkaline environment. You can read about that RO add-on under the mineral cartridge section below.A probe by the Associated Press has found drugs in drinking water, read more on the pharmaceuticals in drinking water page.Also, if you live in Alamosa, Co. you may want to read about the recent salmonella outbreak.Reverse osmosis home filtering systems provide best protection for your drinking water, it is the best way to remove drug residue from your water. It is also cost effective, starting at $199. Reverse Osmosis Systems. "National Name Brand" reverse osmosis water systems at budget prices. Each Reverse Osmosis water filter listed below comes complete with everything you need. Simply the best Reverse Osmosis Filter on the market today! Compare to and replace all brands. Reverse Osmosis System removes the entire spectrum of contaminants: REMOVES: Sodium, Salt, Nitrates, Fluoride, Lead, Heavy metals, Cysts, Cryptosporidium, Bacteria, Tastes, Odors, THMs, Chlorine, Radium, Dissolved Solid, Pharmaceuticals, Sewage Treatment Plant Waste and much more. The BEST in purified great tasting drinking water! Live chat technicians on duty now. Click on the live help button below. Description *(GPD = MAX Gallons produced per day)Description Item # Price 4 stage 50 *GPD w/ HUGE 4.0 gallon storage tank. John Guest fittings. Well or City Water FMRO4G $199 Buy Now 5 stage 50 *GPD w/HUGE 4 gal. storage tank (11"x16"). John Guest fittings. Well or City Water FMRO5 $219 Buy Now 5 stage w/ BOOSTER PUMP 50 *GPD w/HUGE 4 gal. storage tank (11"x16"). Well or City Water FMRO5BP $329 Buy Now Replacement filter 4 Stage RO (all post and pre filters). RFFMRO4 $39 Buy Now 4 Stage R.O. Replacement Package (all post and pre filters and membrane). ROPKG4 $98 Buy Now Replacement filter 5 Stage RO (all post and pre filters). RFFMRO5 $49 Buy Now 5 Stage R.O. Replacement Package (all post and pre filters and membrane). ROPKG5 $108 Buy Now Replacement membrane for all 50 *GPD Reverse Osmosis. MEMRO $59 Buy Now 5 stage 50 *GPD "ULTRA VIOLET LIGHT" w/faucet and 11"x16" pressure tank. Well Water 4816-5/84602 $479 Buy Now 5 stage 50 *GPD "ULTRA VIOLET LIGHT" w/faucet and 11"x16" pressure tank. City Water 4816-5c/84602 $479 Buy Now PORTABLE R.O. TRAVEL FILTER. 5132 $125 Buy Now Reverse Osmosis Arsenic Replacement Cartridge RO-AR $79 Buy Now Reverse Osmosis Nitrate Replacement Cartridge RO-NI
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