Waste Water Heat Recovery Equipments of Natural Circulation type (Patent Right Number 14894) Install now, then you save fuel expenses from today! dExcellent Economies:fuel costs cut rate of 40%~60%, and investment turnaround time within 6 monthsdPerfect Endurance: with use of corrosion-resistant materials, extending its life dSimple Installation:able to install in the existing facilities without giving any interruptions to the regular worksdConvenient Management: nearly zero breakdown rate, and easy inside cleaning Specifications Standard Size (7LH) Base Capacity Designed Temperature Designed Pressure Materials BLV331S S(C) 3181,4002,050 7/h 50c 5&/ SHELL;SS, SUS TUBE: SUS COPPER BLV353S S(C) 3501,5202,050 10/h 50c 5&/ BLV431S S(C) 3881,8002,050 12/h 50c 5&/ BLV441S S(C) 3882,4002,050 16/h 50c 5&/ BLV531S S(C) 5202,1002,050 18/h 50c 5&/ B Basic calculating formula for recovered heat quantityQ=AU@TmQ: Recovered Heat quantity ()/h)A: Effective heat transfer area (!)U: Overall coefficient of heat transfer ()/! hc )@Tm: Effective average temperature difference (c )B Effective heat transfer area: A(!)Installing as many tubes inside the heat exchanger increases the effective heat transfer area, while increasing dead zones decreases the effective areas proportionately.Therefore, the performance of heat exchanger depends upon how to effectively convert to the effective heat transfer area.BComparison diagrams of effective heat transfer areasThe following phenomena take place, as flowing fluid is characteristics of flowing to the lower pressure direction .dThe primitive form of Figure 2, which has no baffle plate, has wider dead zones.dThe common form of Figure 3 and 4, which have baffles reduces dead zone areas to some degree.dOur waste water heat recovery equipments as shown Figure 1 has no dead zone area, enabling to attain complete flows, resulting in maximizing the effective heat transfer areas, having a far superior effective efficiency compared to other heat exchangers. (Patent right number 14894). B Water path of Inter-circular Baffle
Waste Water Heat Recovery Equipments of Natural Circulation type (Patent Right Number 14894) |