The suspended matter can consist of large solid, settleable by gravity alone without any external aids, and non-settleable material, often colloidal in nature. Steps of Clarification Coagulation Reduction of the surface charge of suspended solids and, reduction of forces of mutual repulsion results in the agglomeration of the particles. Flocculation The addition of a relatively small quantity of flocculating agent, consist of polymer of long chain containing active groups results in the agglomeration of the individual particles. Floc formation Impurities suspended and dissolved in the water can be converted to forms suitable for sedimentation, floatation or filtration by addition of appropriate additives. Adsorption Hydroxides of Fe2+ , Fe3+ , Al3+ process a very voluminous structure, which offers a large number of adsorption points for impurities. Precipitation Precipitation is effected by the additional precipitations that react with substances contained in the water to form precipitates of low solubility. ClarifierSuspended matter in raw water supplies is removed by coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation, often referred to as conventional clarification. Finely divided particles suspended in surface water repel each other because their surfaces are predominantly negatively charged. Coagulation is to neutralize charges to destabilize suspended solids. Flocculation is the process of bringing together the destabilized or coagulated particles to form a larger agglomeration or flocculation. Sedimentation refers to the physical removal from suspension or setting that occurs once the particles have been coagulated and flocculated