No side effects have been reported in use of AQUAPURA where as use of excess release of chlorine in calcium hypochlorite tablets have reported cases of side effects such as chest pain, cyanosis, conjunctivitis, headache, muscle pull and diarrhea. Strength of NON PHARMACOEPIAL products as stated in our heading are not standard where as P-Dichloro Sulfamoyl Benzoic acid being a pharmacopoeia salt releases fixed strength of chlorine. This avoids the occurrence of any side effects. It gives absolutely clean disinfected purified drinking water.
Strength of AQUAPURA is fixed. No excess chlorine is released.
It is a pharmacopoeia alternative to water filters that can only filter the water but cannot purify it. AQUAPURA not only purifies but disinfects it too.
AQUAPURA has a self-spreading formula that kills all the hazardous germs and bacteria within no time making water fit for drinking. Hence, these are instrumental in ridding water off impurities
(unwanted germs) that cause such dreaded diseases like cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, jaundice gastroenteritis, dysentery diarrhea etc.
AQUAPURA are not plain CHLORINE tablets made from bleaching powder/calcium hypochlorite but contains a United States Pharmacopoeia ingredient i.e. P-Dichloro Sulfamoyl Benzoic acid that is used through out the world to disinfect & purify drinking water. The ingredients of AQUAPURA do have the properties of chlorine in aqueous solution and is capable of killing bacteria and some fungi, yeasts algae, some forms of viruses and protozoa when used in sufficient quantities.
A quick glance as to why AQUAPURA scores over Chlorine tablets, and other allied products such as Hypo Chlorites, Chloramines, Bleaching powder etc. and electrical gadgets.
Aquapura Tablet is a powerful purifier of drinking water in small quantities. Aquapura Tablets provide instant purification; hence it is very useful in case of epidemics, floods and cyclones.
For Germfree Disinfected Drinking Water, Aquapura's Applications are:
Aquapura Treats:
Aquapura 10 Each Tablet Treats 10 liters of water
Aquapura 5 Each Tablet Treats 5 liters of water
Aquapura 1 Each Tablet Treats 1 liters of water
Remember, 80% of all known diseases are water borne. Take precautions, Use AQUAPURA.
We give Clear Evidences, as to why Aquapura Tablets Fights Better than others:
These tablets come in three different convenient to use strengths:
Aquapura 100 Each Tablet Treats 100 liters of water
The water within this time gets disinfected & is ready for consumption. To avoid recontamination, use the treated water within 12 hours.
Add a tablet of Aquapura in water & wait for about 30 minutes for it to get dissolved.
Aquapura provides economically, safe & germ free, drinking water. It contains a United States Pharmacopoeia compound and is used world wide for disinfecting & purification of water.
Akron Care provide the same concept in the form of these tablets.
Aquapura / Water Purification Tablets:
Aquapura-Water Purification Tablets.
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