Ultra Pure Water System
Komal manufactures complete system to meet very special application for the Research lab and electronic industries. Water produced will meet the standards like CAP, ASTM, USP, NSST etc. Standard
units having flowrate of 5/10/30 lit/hr. is readily available. Units are microprocessor based controlled with replaceable cartridges.
System comprises of Pre-treatment ,Reverse Osmosis Membranes, Organics removal ion exchange Resins, Nuclear grade resins to get the water of 18 Mohm resistivity. Various options are available for
post treatment like ultrafiltration, 0.2 micron filter of TOC Reduction UV
Our latest inclusion is Electrodeionisation for pre-treatment to get the water of 12-14 Mohm quality. Same water can be use to get 18 Mohm water for a wide range of applications.
* Extremely low toc value.
* Cost effective.
* Specific reistance of 18.2 Mohm / cm
* Low bacterial count
* Arious options to suit your quality requirment
* Toc reduction uv for final treatment
* Users friendly microprocesor based controller.
* Can be connected to municipal water.
* Auto flushing and cleaning of membranes
* Recirculate on regular interval.
* Easy to replace cartridge
Ultra pure water system
Standard CAP/NALLS
Type I
Type II
Type III
Electrical resistance
Min. MQ-cm at 25
try pure water ultra pure water system to get through more products
Ultra Pure Water System Komal manufactures complete system to meet very special application for the Research lab |