and river monitoring agencies etc.
municipal water system authorities, hospitals, military units, private well owners, lake, stream
by water companies, health and environmental supervising authorities,
The tests can be performed either in the lab or on site and can be used
in water quality.
encourages frequent testing for rapid response to changing conditions
disposal of sample material easy and non expensive. Low cost per test
under field conditions in ambient temperature (18-35
The testing procedure is simple as well: 3 steps that can be performed
positive control solutions, and plastic tubes. A luminometer (must be purchased separately) is required to read the results.
indicate potential toxicity. The test kit includes Assay buffers, freeze-dried luminous bacteria,
biosensors. The operation principle is simple - changes in the level of bioluminescence
The ToxScreen 3 test is based on using luminous bacteria as very sensitive and accurate
Function & Application
Cost effective - extended usability of suspended reagent (up to5 days).
User-friendly & Robust - minimal lab experience is necessary.Flexible - sensitivity can be modified according to customer needs.cationic heavy metals.
enables preliminary discrimination between organic toxicants and
Discriminatory - a unique buffer set (Pro-Metal & Pro-Organic)Fast - results are obtained in less than 15 minutes.more sensitive than other available bioluminescence-based tests.
chemical agents the ToxScreen
Sensitive - sub-ppm detection levels; for most of the testedKey Features
Arsenate, Nitrite and more.
metals, and protein synthesis inhibitors, pesticides, PCB's, BTEX,
inhibitors, phosphorganic agents, chlorinated hydrocarbons, heavy
a wide range of acute and chronic toxic agents including: respiratory
ToxScreen3 provides very rapid and highly sensitive detection of
distribution networks.
water quality in surface and ground water sources, as well as water
or terrorism. ToxScreen3 enables rapid screening for changes in
of dangerous water contaminations due to spills, accidents, sabotage
to better protect public health. ToxScreen3 provides an early warning
ToxScreen3 enables water utilities and supervising organizations
ToxScreen3 provides very rapid and highly sensitive detection of a wide range of acute and chronic toxic agents in water. |