Magstream scale prevention units have been scientifically designed and developed for the majority of systems using water and many processes. Examples include;
The units are made in the UK and are protected by British Patent No: 2160855
Precision engineered for industrial, commercial and institutional users.
Magstream has been developed in conjunction with the department of chemistry at the City University in London and at Brunel University. Units are now installed at over 600 sites in the UK.
Magstream prevents the build up of scale both in water systems and in certain chemical processes. It is the cost effective answer to a problem which costs industry millions of pounds each year. Magstream is environmentally benign : nothing is added or removed from the water.
Fluid Dynamics International. is the leading supplier of magnetic scale prevention units to industry and was the first to introduce the magnetic treatment of fluids on a commercial basis in the UK.
Magstream prevents the build up of scale both in water systems and in certain chemical processes. |