Panel-mount 1/4 DIN Case with NEMA 4X Front Panel
The P33 is housed in a 1/4 DIN plastic case that features a NEMA 4X front panel.
Backlit LCD Readout
The two-line, 16 character backlit LCD provides excellent viewing contrast under all lighting conditions.
Multiple Measurements
TheModel P33 displays measured pH (or ORP) and temperature eitherseparately or together. Both analog outputs can also be shown. Frontpanel red LEDs
indicate relay "on/off" status.
Features / Benefits
TheModel P33 displays measured pH (or ORP) and temperature eitherseparately or on/off" status. The simple keypad and logical menustructure make this analyzer easy to use. Menu screens guide youthrough setup, calibration, operation, and test/maintenance functions.The Model P33 can be used with any GLI Differential Technique pH or ORPsensor, or any conventional combination electrode. For temperaturecompensation, the P33 accepts a Pt 1000 RTD, Pt 100 RTD or NTC 300 ohmthermistor. Each of the two isolated analog outputs can be set to 0-20mA or 4-20 mA, and assigned to represent the measured pH (or ORP) ortemperature. During calibration, both outputs can be held at their lastmeasured values, transferred to preset values, or remain active.
The Model P33 displays measured pH (or ORP) and temperature either separately or on/off" status. The simple keypad and logical m