Increased Water Quality
Del Ozone TrioPure
The DEL Ozone TrioPure sanitation system has revolutionized the swimming pool industry by combining two proven technologies, salt chlorine & ozone, into one powerful swimming pool sanitizing
system. This unique synergistic combination of technologies provides additional benefits to you, compared to other systems:
Ozone & Salt Systems:
40,000 Gallon Capacity :: for Pricing
Polaris AutoClear Plus
The Polaris AutoClearPlus automated chlorinating system produces all the chlorine needed to keep a pool sanitized naturally and safely. Using the pool's water and a small amount of added salt, the
AutoClearPlus system uses a natural process to generate a controlled amount of pure chlorine.
Polaris AutoClearPlus uses an electrolytic cell to convert ordinary salt (NaCl), dissolved in pool water into pure chlorine. Installed on the return side of the pool's filtration system, the cell
is controlled automatically by a simple to operate controller mounted nearby. The chlorine sanitizes the pool by oxidizing algae, bacteria and organic contaminant's. It then converts back into
salt. This cycle is repeated indefinitely.
40,000 Gallon Capacity : $950 with Kit Purchase, $989 sold separately
Goldline AquaRite
The Aqua Rite is the simplest way to sanitize your pool, keeping it crystal clear and silky smooth! The Aqua Rite uses common salt (the same salt used in water conditioners) and converts
it into "free" chlorine. The chlorine sanitizes your pool and then reverts back into salt. That's right, the salt is recycled and never wears out. With only a teaspoon of salt per gallon, the Aqua
Rite produces enough fresh chlorine (up to 1.45 lb per day) to keep a 40,000-gallon pool sparkling clean without the chlorine smell or feel. You'll never again have to worry about red irritated
eyes, dry itchy skin, bleached bathing suits or green hair!
40,000 Gallon Capacity :: $899 ** Most Common **
Pentair IntelliChlor
Electrolytic Chlorine Generation is the easiest, most effective and convenient way to keep pool water sparkling clean. The IntelliChlorT chlorine generator uses common table salt to produce all the
chlorine your pool needs, right in your pool - safely, effectively, and automatically.
Salt Water Chlorinators:
Salt comes in 40 lb. bags :: $7 Per Bag
Classic / Standard Chlorination:
Sanitation is accomplished by putting chlorine into your pool to kill all the "bad stuff". Hayward's Automatic Chlorinator is a simple way to add chlorine to your pool. Simply ad 3"
tablets or "pucks" in the top of the cylinder for constant chlorine feeding, no need for the "floating duck" The chlorinator mounts on the return line immediately after the filter, or heater
if you have one.
PSU - Sanitation Systems
Salt Water Chlorinators: Salt comes in 40 lb. bags :: $7 Per Bag |