The HE/5000 is designed with two complete modules: 1. Oil water separation. 2. A polishing loop for solids removal. As dirty water enters the HE/5000, it is slowed down to allow for solids to fall to the bottom of the coalescing tank and oil water separation to begin. By gravity oily water flows through 76,896 square inches of oil coalescing plates. These plates allow for the oil to gather together into large droplets where they can float to the surface and be mechanicaly skimmed form the water. Virtually oil free water then flows to a multi media-polishing loop, which can either reduce light and emulsified hydrocarbon, or suspended solids to < 1 micron. The polishing loop flow water at 50 GPM assuring multiple passes through the job specific media which prepares the water for recycling or direct to sewer discharge. Thus a polishing filtration system!
The Best In Waste Water Filtration, Pre-treatment Or Recycling Systems