Residential (bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, toilets etc.)
Offices, smoking rooms
Hospitals, clinics, surgeries
Laboratories, clean rooms
Warehouses, cold storages
Garbage holding areas
Cars, buses, coaches
Model P-1000 Ozone Generator
What is Ozone?
All series of O3 GLOBE ozone generators produce naturally occurring ozone. Ozone is a tri-atomic molecule, consisting of three oxygen atoms. It was discovered by
Christian Friedrich Schonbein in 1840.
Ozone has been well known for consumer and industrial applications for many decades. The roles of ozone are as very strong oxidant and disinfectant without the use of any
chemicals. As a very strong oxidant, ozone can eliminate odors caused by smoking, cooking, household chemicals, toilets, waste, spoilage, pets, etc. And as a disinfectant,
ozone is effective against microorganisms, e.g. bacteria, viruses, and molds in the air and on surfaces.