Sodium Hypochlorite generators can be used in various industries such as:: Poultries:: Aqua Culture:: Textile Industries:: Leather Industries:: Sewage Treatment:: Pharmaceutical Industries etc.. Sodium Hypochlorite generators can be used for various effluent treatment applications such as:: Dis Infection:: De-odorisation:: De-colorisation:: Minimum BOD, COD:: Treatment of Phenol, Cyanide:: Treatment of Amine, Hydrogen Sulfide etc. Textile Decolouriser Noble Tech offers a new solution for dye house effluents inside the dyeing machine within 30 minutes at most economical cost.The system operates on a simple method which is explained here below.Its operation on a typical dyeing machine to decolour dye effluent without removing effluent from the machine.This portable system Developed Noble Eco System is operatable by any operator eventhough he is non technical personnel. SterilizerNoble Tech with its constant pursuit to offer economical & reliable solution for Diverse application has introduced yet another product for the benefit of inividuals,hospitals & clinics. Chlorine is the mankind bestknown disinfectant and a Noble Chlor System makes it possible to be made available instantly in our backyard ith the easy to operate system. Bleaching Generator Noble Tech offers a unique,simple and troublefree on site bleach generator for textile bleaching application.The system ensures on site bleach generation, which is hazzle free and avoids mobilisation & storage of HYPO.Also the Hypo generated is of the purest form without any impurities and chemicals.