HydroMax Environmental recommends the Aquaclarus Super Natural system that treats and recycles all waste water from domestic homes.
Super Natural separates the solids and liquids at the point of entry into the tank thus providing two separate waste streams inside the same tank. The liquid does not have the chance to become
anaerobic nor get the chance to mix with the solids and become a soup. It therefore requires less effort to enhance the effluent, as it is still relatively unpolluted at this stage.
The Super Natural system produces treated effluent of high quality that can be surface irrigated and reused for toilet flushing. The following results are typical:
BOD5: less than 10 mg/l
Suspended solids: less than 2 mg/l
Faecal Coliforms: less than 2 per 100 ml
TKN: less than 10mg
Total N: average less than 20mg/l
Total P: average less than 10mg/l
The Super Natural system does not use any harmful chemicals such as chlorine. The high quality of the effluent produced from the system and the subsequent low levels of pollutants such as BOD5,
suspended solids and no chlorine, means that there is only a positive effect on plants and soil.
The aerobically treated liquid and Vermicast (worm manure) produced from the Super Natural system enhances the soil structure. Super Natural has a back-up pumping system and remote monitoring. This
ensures that Super Natural can be quickly rectified without inconveniencing the householder in the unlikely event of a failure.
The Super Natural system is robust and efficient, and consequently only requires one service per year, unlike conventional Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems (AWTS) that require four. The Super
Natural system can be installed above ground, below ground or partially buried.
The Super Natural system produces treated effluent of high quality that can be surface irrigated and reused for toilet flushing |