CRISTAL offers manual, semiautomatic and fully automatic option with data acquisition facility to suit the customer's convenience.
CRISTAL uses the "state of the art" membranes to desalinate water, from low brackish water (Well / Bore Well Water) or Sea Water, producing water from potable water quality to semi conductor grade water quality. membrane at high pressure to reduce the salinity of the water.
CRISTAL RO Plants are use to desalinate water. In a RO System water is passed through a Semi Permeable membrane at high pressure to reduce the salinity of the water.
RO Systems consists of a (SS, Mild Steel Powder Coated Frame with required Electrical
A water treatment process that removes undesirable materials from water by using pressure to force the water molecules through a semi permeable membrane. This process is called Reverse Osmosis because the pressure forces that water to flow in the reverse direction (from the concentrated solution to the dilute solution) to the flow direction (from the dilute to the concentrated) as of the process of natural osmosis, R.O. removes ionized salts, colloids and organic molecules, including Micro Organisms etc.
WHAT IS RO A water treatment process that removes undesirable materials from water by using |