How to make the right choice is simple. You ONLY need to know the volume of your pond to choose the right system for 90% of all garden fish pond situations
2. The BIO FILTER section CLEANS the pond water and removes dead algae killed by the UV
1. The UV section CLEARS water of green or brown algae
Here are THE 2 CRITICAL facts about UV + Bio Pond Filters ...
You need a UV + Bio Pond Filter to keep your fish alive and the water clean clear of green algae & healthy
Make sure your koi and goldfish live healthily and happily. It's quite simple if you keep pond fish you MUST have a pond bio filter. A bio filter combined with an UV light will guarantee a crystal clear pond ... the trick is to get the right size and combine with the right pond pump (see below)
Aquabead biofilters for larger ponds ... UV included |