Drew Marine provides an assortment of cooling water treatment chemicals along with information on applications, controls and dosage requirements for each product. These cooling water treatment chemicals include:
Efficient engines are critical to the ship's well being. During combustion, the temperatures of the gases are extremely high and, without proper cooling, the engine will eventually malfunction. To prevent this overheating, engines in the marine market are typically cooled with water. It is important to protect the engine by using distilled water that has been treated with a corrosion inhibitor. Corrosion inhibitors create a barrier between the water and the metal or create a protective film to strengthen the metal from being attacked.
Because a cooling water system is an essential part of a diesel engine, a carefully controlled water treatment program is essential for its efficient operation. The water treatment program is monitored with a few simple tests, and the control tests are the basis on which the chemical dosage is adjusted. Testing and chemical dosing should be done on a regular basis and is a vital part of a successful treatment program.
Cooling Water Systems & Treatment
DEWT? NC diesel engine water treatment |