In actual operation of the CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants units, biological film will be in a state of dynamic continuous growth and sloughing. At any given time, portions of the media are always at some point between forming a new film and sloughing.
The inner layer of film becomes anaerobic and the organisms lose their ability to adhere to the media surface. The shear forces of the water and / or air bubbles flowing through the matrix will ultimately become great enough to tear this portion of the biological film loose from the media. This process is called sloughing. The solids which slough from the media will flow out of the CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants with the effluents and will be removed from the water through clarification in a settling module. The exposed portion of the media surface will repeat the process of slime accumulation and sloughing.
As the bacteria grow on the matrix and as more chemicals are added to the CHEMPAC units, the stationary biological film will continue to build in thickness. As the film becomes thicker, the depth of penetration by diffusion of the absorbed materials, such as oxygen or other nutrients, is insufficient to reach the entire distance through the slime to the plastic media. At some point, the film will become sufficiently thick and the portion of the film closest to the plastic media will not receive any food or nutrient, particularly oxygen.
In the CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants the water is constantly flowing through the rigid PVC matrix to which the biological film is attached. As the water flows past the biological film, the bacteria on the film absorb organic chemicals as well as oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, and other trace nutrients required for their growth.
In the CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants the rigid PVC matrix provides 42 sq. ft. of surface area per 1 cu.ft. of media for attachment of the stationary biological film. The high surface area-to-volume ratio of the CHEMPAC units allows for accumulation of substantial concentrations of bacterial in the relatively small reactor units. Further the accumulated bacteria which provide high rates of removal of organic chemicals, are fixed in the system and do not need to be recycled back to the basin.
Bacteria grow rapidly in the CHEMPAC sewage treatment
The media is custom designed to provide a series of vertical columns placed along the access of the unit. The alternate columns serve as up flow and down flow in the stationary biological film reactor providing maximum contact time.
CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants is specially developed for efficient removal of BOD, Oil, Grease and other organic from sewage. It provides excellent growth environment for bacteria. The Reactor tank is loaded with cross fluted PVC media and air diffusers are provided at the bottom for releasing air uniformly across the width of the tank.
Sustains microbial growth even during power shut downs
Submerged media
No need to maintain MLSS and expert supervision not required
Stable growth of bacterial film
Skid mounted construction, easy for transportation by containers
Compact size
Better quality of treated water
High BOD reduction
Easy operation
No sludge recycle
Low maintenance cost and shut down cost
No moving parts
Reduces overall volume resulting in low capital cost
High organic loading rate
CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants is simple in design and highly flexible in operation. The unique arrangement of fixed media results in unbeatable size to population treatment ratio.
CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants is available in a range of standard modular sizes. It has wide ranging application in organic waste treatment. It is ideally suited for resorts, hotels and condominiums.
CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants represents the State of the Art technology in the field of waste water treatment. CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants combines the established diffused aeration principle with the reliability of fixed film system. CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants is a single tank package of outstanding performance and efficiency.
CHEMPAC SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT CHEMPAC sewage treatment plants represents the State of the Art technology in the |