Waste sorting units; mills, screens, belt
The I. Chamber is inclined. As the wastes are burned, they are carried to the II. Burning chamber.
The wastes that are burned in the I. Cahmber, are burned again in the II. Chamber and taken to the ash collecting box.. The heat energy obtained may be used to provide hot water, steam etc.
by means of an economiser. The economiser is not included in our offer. However it can be offered on demand.
The gasses are then taken to dry cyclone and wet cyclone. After all the cleaned gasses are taken out from the chimney with the chimney ventilator.
In many examples these substances are sold and a very good amount of income is gained. The seperation of the wastes should be done in the houses if possible. Different wastes should be
collected in different coloured waste bags. As we have stated above, the economically valuable substances are evaluated directly. The wastes which are to be burned should also be collected
in another coloured waste bag. Thus, the operation of the system becomes more durable, easy. The cost for the transportation of the wastes and employment will reduce significantly.
This collection procedure will be as follows where the waste seperation in the houses in not applicable.
The wastes are collected on the waste field and seperated to economically valuable wastes and wastes. The wastes which will be taken to the system is firts dried and then burned. The ash
will be collected within the burner body and will be taken manually
The first stage is drying chamber. This chamber is also I. Burning Chamber. This chamber rotates on its axis during the operation. To prvide stable heat level, the interior is coated with
refractor substance. Also a burner and air ventilator. The heat provided in this chamber is approximately 1200 C. As the rotation provides mixing, the heat efficiency is obtained.
The daily waste amount per individual is approximately 1 kg. 25% of this waste amount is mostly economically valuable substances like glass, metal etc..
Pre-Packed Waste Incinerators
Waste Incinerators, Recovery and Sorting Systems