Dear Sir,We are happy to invite you to the V.I.Impex family, a family which cares for all your water treatment needs with utmost tenacity. We take this opportune moment to invite you to browse through our site specifically prepared to help you with a range of products to cater to all your water related problems. Please feel free to contact us for any clarifications or technical details. Please browse through our "guidance for ahappy purchase " & kindly furnish pre-requisite details as per the same, toavoid communication delays. We expect you to expect back our reply on your enquires within 48 hrs of your e-mail receipt at our end. Please feel free to put your queries to the above subject at any juntions. Looking forward to a fruitful ssociation,We remain,
Dear Sir, We are happy to invite you to the V.I.Impex family, a family which cares for all your w |