Tecnical Support And Service
Once the system is in operation, Komal is available to service yourequipment and provide "hands-on" training, both on-site and at ourtraining facility. Because we manufacture all of the major
systemcomponents, we understand what it takes to keep the system runningefficiently. Even the critical area of automation is handled using onlyin-house resources. Unlike many suppliers, Komal
utilizes ownspecialist departments for design and construction of control panelsand development and writing of the software. Our personnel areavailable for on-site inspection and start-up of the
equipment. Duringthe start-up process we provide complete classroom and hands-ontraining sessions. System operation and preventative maintenancerequirements are discussed in detail. A start-up is
not complete untilyou are satisfied with the training we provide to your personnel.
Komal provides the level of after-sale service you expect from an industry leader:
Formed in 1975, Komal has steadilygrown to become one of the leaders in the field of water purification.The company consists of multidisciplinary teams consisting of
chemical,electrical, electronics, mechanical engineers and chemists. Our officeis located at Lower Parel, which is in the heart of the city of Mumbai,India. Our plants are manufactured at Kandivali
and Dombivali, whichare situated in the suburbs of Mumbai.
Komalsrapid growth has been a result of focus on technological innovationthrough continuous R&D and through affiliations through some of thebest water treatment companies in
the world. Through a round-the-yeartraining program for the employees aimed at acquainting the employeeswith the latest technological breakthroughs. An above all, with anoutside-in philosophy which
allows us to stay close to the customerto satisfy his needs and anticipate his wants.
Komaldelivers customer value by improving quality and the performance of theproduct and by reducing operating costs and extending equipment life ina broad range of products and
services. These products and services areused to optimize total water/process system performance, safeguardcustomer assets from corrosion, fouling and scaling, and protect theenvironment through
water and energy conservation.
Within the Pharmaceutical and Life sciences Industry, water is the mostwidely used material with most processes requiring water, which meetslegal standards defined in the pharmacopoeias. Komal is
equipped with astrong team of design specialists, chemists and service technicians tomeet and exceed these needs within the pharmaceutical industry. Weunderstand the strict standards required, and
we pride ourselves inhelping our customers succeed.
Komalwith more than 25 years of experience and a comprehensive spectrum oftechnologies behind it is equipped to help Industrial customers meettheir operational, environmental and
profitability goals.
We understand the following needs of the industry:
Microfiltration systems filtration system water filter |