Supercharged 1qt - $52.99
1gal liquid - $52.99
1qt liquid - $27.99
1lb dry - $34.99
4oz dry - $20.99
Adding bacteria periodically to a water feature is one of the most important things you can do to maintain clear, healthy water.
Add in the spring to start your system, in the summer to spike it periodically, and in the fall to maintain it.
All-natural and not a chemical!
Its safe for fish and plants!
Directions for how to use come on each bottle.
Liquid is faster acting on new ponds than dry
4oz treats up to 36,000 gallons,1lb treats 144,00 gallons, 1qt. treats 32,000 gallons, 1 gallon treats 128,00 gallons.
Adding bacteria periodically to a water feature is one of the most important things you can do to maintain clear, healthy water |