Washed grit containing less than 5% (or even less than 3%) organics is not a product that needs to be expensively disposed on a landfill, it can be used as a construction material, e.g. for road
A Huber Grit Washer produces not only a clean and virtually odorless grit product, but pays for itself by great disposal cost savings!
Landfill costs for grit and other waste are rising. Several countries have already laws or regulations prohibiting landfilling of material with an organic content in excess of 5 % (or even 3 %), and other countries are certain to follow. Grit with a high content of organic material also has a high content of water bound in the organics. This increases the volume and mass of the grit to be disposed, and therewith the disposal costs. In addition grit containing organics are odorous and a vector for disease transmission.
Grit Treatment | |
Our grit washers simultaneously achieve: |
Grit Treatment Our grit washers simultaneously achieve: |