1.The preheated water that flows through the waste heat recovery equipment,?Needs to be connected to the boiler feed water valve.?Needs to be connected to the cold clean water tube of bathtub.?Needs to be connected to the cold clean water tube 2. To keep the superior performance of the waste heat recovery equipments at all times,?Need to clean the filtering of the water storage tank frequently. ?Need to perform frequent reverse flowing cleaning works.?Needs to check the cover of the recovery equipments at least more than two (2) times per year. Special Equipments and its Installation EffectsSpecial Equipments and its Installation Effects 1. Excellent efficiency that has heat recovery rate more than 90% Designed to attain the maximum heat transfer effects where having minimum heat transfer area, the first complete flow type of waste heat recovery equipment, as developed by Hitecec (patent right number 14894) in the world, enables you to save more than 90% of the waste water heat energy. The applications range from high-temperature wastewater to the wastewater lower than the human body temperature of 25C, serving the purpose of the high performance energy saver. 2.Excellent economics, giving you fuel energy savings of 40%~60% While extending the equipment life through strict selection of materials and quality control, and lowering the equipment prices through rationalizing the equipment manufacturing processes at the same time, installing the equipment will give you the heat reuse rate over 40% as verified by the Department of Energy and Resources up to 60%. Recovering the waste heats making use of our scientific structural design of the equipments, your selection of Hitecec waste recovery system will serve your purpose of considerable energy fuels cost savings, returning your investments on the equipments back within 4 to 6 months completely. 3.Perfect durability ensuring long equipment life As the first company that developed the special reinforced nonmetal F.R.P. waste heat recovery equipment ever in the history, Hitecec has recorded revolutionizing the sector of heat exchangers, not only with the high acidic industrial waste waters handling perfectly through the use of specially developed processes of nonmetal B.G. Tubes, but with a variety of chemically high acidic and high alkali waste waters by optimally applying to high-corrosion alloy materials according to the water quality of waste waters. 4.Simple and easy installation and management ?Able to be installed to the existing facilities without giving any existing business interruptions?Nearly zero equipment breakdowns?No noise, vibrations and dangers?Simple cleaning methods?And, no special operating skills are necessary, meeting your requirement as an energy saving equipment adjusted automatically 5.Other beneficial effects giving additional fuel cost reductions ?Reducing the air pollutions in addition to reducing fuel expense?Increasing the boiler efficiency through reducing soot by preventing boiler stoppage ?Extending the boiler life through reducing low-temperature corrosions?Increasing the additional improvement in efficiency and ready to use constantly the preheated water. Chart of Caloric Value Loss [Example] Effects of Equipment Installation in Public Bathhouses Daily Waste Water Quantity: 100, Waste Water Temperature : 36C, Yearly Average Feeding Water Temperature : 12C,Monthly Number of Working Days: 26 Days, Bunker-C Oil calorific value: 9,900Kcal/* Daily loss of calorific value and flow quantity: (36C-12C)100/day1,000Kcal/C=2,400,000Kcal/day 2,400,000Kcal/day
The most effective way to use the Waste Heat Recovery Equipment |