Model N. 150k BWE is a high performance unit fitted with Multistage Pumps and 8 Membranes for maximum recovery. Features include Digital Flow Meters, Salinity Monitoring and Control, Antiscalent Dose Pumps to prevent Membrane fouling, as well as a Frame constructed from 6mm RHS steel electrostatically powder coated. PLC Controlled with built in safety features ranging through but not restricted to, Feed Pressure Monitoring, Temperature Control and Micro Pre Filtration. Model N. 150k BWE is designed to process brackish water, which may require pre filtration depending on the water source and can process an estimated 150,000 litres of Potable Water per 24-hour day. Units of this size run automatically and need little manual control. All materials used in the manufacturing process are of highest grade. Please note that specifications available to download in PDF format are indicative and may vary depending on the results of individual water analyses.