Demineralization or Deionization is a water treatment system which remove or reduce the positive ion (cation) and negative ion (anion) in the water by ion exchanging through the
resin media.
This system could produce water with an extraordinary purity rate (Ultra Pure Water) with rate of cat-ionic dan an-ionic close to zero up to almost undetectable.
An ordinary water treatment technology couldn't reach above purity rate. While, in some specific industry, even a very tiny contaminant could cause any destruction or malfunction, like in
semiconductor chips industry(IC) wich need water purity rate up to 18,3 mega ohm.
There are few Demineralization configuration which commonly used like Single Bed System, Twin Bed System, dan Mixed Bed System.
To Choose the right demineralization package that suitable for your application, there are few primary considerations: the type of raw water, the quality of the product water required, the capacity
of product water required, and any special features such as storage, repressurization, or mounting.
Semiconductor Manufacturing
Glass Process & Manufacturing
Battery Manufacturing
Ink & Color Manufacturing
Oil Refinery
Food & Beverages
Demineralization or Deionization is a water treatment system which remove or reduce the positive ion and negative ion
Structure: | Filtering Machine |
Function: | Water Filter |
Place of Origin: | Jakarta Raya Indonesia |