Sewage Treatment Plants and Wastewater Treatment Plants
We offer latest technological Sewage Treatment Plants cater in diversified areas such as Residential Complexes, Hospitals, Schools & Institutions, Hotels & Resorts and more to name.
We are a professionally managed organization and having expertise in the following Effluent Treatment Technologies:
* Extended Aeration
* Submerged Aeration Fixed Film
Domestic waste water treatment plants of any city consists of collection, treatment and disposal. In conventional centralized sewage treatment system, about 80% of the cost is accounted for the
collection. The cost of collection of sewage and its conveyance to the terminal point in the large cities is very high. Further, the depth of sewer goes on increasing with the increase of length of
sewer line and pumping of the sewage at the intermediate and terminal points requires a lot of energy. In centralized treatment system volume of the sewage becomes very large and the distance of
conveyance, as the sewage treatment plants are generally located outside of the cities, is very long. Further CTS aggravates the environmental problem also, because of large volume of the waste
water of the entire city is discharged at one place. In decentralized treatment system, a balance between the advantages of large scale treatment in terms of economics of scale and individual
responsibility for domestic waste water treatment system can be obtained by providing colony wise / sector-wise treatment system. Responsibility of construction as well as operation and maintenance
may be taken up collectively by the residential colonies, builders and developers. Specific treatment technology should be selected as per the prevailing ground situation like availability of the
land etc. Keeping in mind all these points, we offer decentralized state of the art following package sewage treatment system.
* Underground STP based on bioreactor (Biofilters)
* Mobile containerized STP based on Submersed media aerobic reactor (SMAeR
* Compact plant based on Fluidized aerobic reactor (FAeR)
After biological treatment, water is further treated by adopting tertiary metood that may be used for gardening/ flushing and other utilities. The Compact Package plant is easy to operate needs
very low maintenance, minimum power consumption, land & consumables for reducing operating cost. These are generally manufactured in MS epoxy coated or Stainless steel / FRP as per the specific
need. These compact plants are best suited for hotels, hospitals, holiday resorts, country / golf clubs, schools, housing complexes, national parks & industrial commercial complexes.
We offer latest technological Sewage Treatment Plants cater in diversified areas such as Residential Complexes, Hospitals etc. |