Pashmina, derived from the Persian word for wool, is popularly known in the west as cashmere wool, from the old spelling of Kashmir. The fine wool comes from the undercoat of the the Himalayan
mountain goat which lives in remote regions of the Tibeta Plateau. Pashmina is unmistakable for its softness. Pashmina yarn is spun from the hair of the ibex found at 14,000 ft above the sea level,
although pure pashmina is expensive, the cost is sometimes brought down by blending it with rabbit fur or with wool
Pashmina is famous for its luxurious softness and lustre. The Pasha Pashmina collection boasts of a great variety: Special embroidered shawls in the Royal collection and the vogue and classic
collection available in 5 hues each the magic collection of shawls so fine they can pass through a ring.
Pashmina, derived from the Persian word for wool, is popularly known in the west as cashmere wool, from the old spelling of Kash |