The full wig is completely weaved by hand.A)temples and the front hairline is swiss lace/France lace/PU/pu+monoB)the top is mono.C)ears are elastic mesh.D)the back is mono.E)ear to ear across the back is completely stretch lace.F)wholy hand-maded, zebra shape can be maded with 2 mixed colors.Colors:1,1b,2,4,6,8,10,14,18,20,22,24,27,30,33,613,1b/33,2/33,4/33,27/613 and etc.G)hair length:10" - 26"H) soft and smoothI) designs vary with customer's requestBleached knots can be used in temples and top.
The full wig is completely weaved by hand. A)temples and the front hairline is swiss lace/France la |