Please choose a cap size option:
Standard Cap
(Medium/Average) Custom Cap ($35.00 additional)
Please style my wig as pictured
(Additional charge of $100.00 applies)
Please Select Hair Colour: 2 6/2 8/2 4 8/4 10/4 8/6 10/6 12/6 16/6 33/6 30/6/8 12/8 14/8 16/8 16/10 14/12 16/12 24/14/12b 24/16 16/18 18/22 18/24 27/27/30 33
Need Help with Colours?
Description of Hair Types
Also available in Virgin European
call for ordering
*Wig initially sent with original measurements (see description of hair types for specific lengths). Ship FREE OF CHARGE back to iWig for styling and any custom fitting / tailoring. Our experts
want to work closely with you to make sure your wig is just right!
PRICE: $ 1600.00
EL 7
wig manufacturer:iwig PRICE: $ 1600.00 |