PayPal service provides a fast, easy, and secure payment option for your online purchases with Rocky Mountain Discus. You are not required to open a PayPal account to use our online shopping. For those who prefer to not use PayPal please order by phone for conventional credit card or debit card processing.
Visit the Rocky Mountain Discus online store for all your discus fish supply needs including discus food and discus medications. The online store for new discus products including hard to find discus medications is on the food and medication link below or click here: Discus Fish Food and Medications
Discus customer comments about their experience ordering new discus fish from Rocky Mountain Discus: Customer Gallery and Testimonials
To view the discus fish photo gallery: Discus Fish Photo Gallery
Rocky Mountain Discus Fish Information: Rocky Mountain Discus Home
To make ordering red turquoise discus fish from Rocky Mountain Discus easy, we do not have a minimum order. Our discus are healthy, colorful, grow fast and high quality. We accept all type credit cards (by phone, not PayPal), debit cards and PayPal. Our discus fish will meet or exceed your expectations. We guarantee the quality of our discus fish. If you plan to be in the area we set up visits by appointment.
For discus shipping we use FedEx. The fish leave late in the evening and arrive the following morning. This method is faster and less expensive than expedited air freight such as Delta Dash. We guarantee live healthy arrival of your discus.
Red Turquoise Discus Fish
The red turquoise discus has big, bold stripes. Sometimes they are referred to as striated turquoise discus. This striped turquoise has been a long time favorite of discus hobbyists. The red
turquoise discus diet is Hikari frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and homemade beefheart mix. We also feed Omega One super color flakefood and kelp super veggie flakefood. Each red turquoise discus
fish we ship is carefully prepared prior to shipment. We fast them for a day and perform a large water change to clean them out so the shipping water remains clean. The discus fish are double
bagged in 4 mil. thick bags with a liner between the bags. The bags are filled with shipping water and oxygen and placed in a styro box. The insulated styro boxes are placed into cardboard boxes.
State of the art heat packs are used to maintain a constant temperature for the discus. There is an art to properly shipping discus and our years of experience ensure your discus will arrive in
fine condition. In Colorado we developed a winter shipping technique that is second to none.
Red Turquoise Discus
We are located in southern Indiana. Visitors welcome by appointment.
In addition to discus mail order sales be sure to visit our Online Store for all your discus fish supply needs. Click on the Shopping link below. A PayPal account is not required to shop at the
Red Turquoise Discus Fish
High Quality Discus Fish for Sale
Discus Fish Breeder
Red Turquoise Discus Fish
High Quality Discus Fish for Sale
Discus Fish Breeder
Preservation Process: | Brine |
Style: | Preserved |
Category: | Fish |