Stocking rates (fingerlings per acre) for hybrid sunfish ponds
Pond Size Hybrid Bream Largemouth Bass Channel Catfish Grass Carp if desired
for weed control
One Acre
1500 25-50 600 10
? acre 1200 25-50 400 8
? acre
25-50 300 5
? acre 375 25-50 150
Fed with fish feeder 1500 25-50
Hybrid bluegill are well adapted to cage culture.
If your goal includes catching large bluegill or to provide fishing for young (or older) impatient fishermen, the hybrid bluegill is your fish to stock!
Hybrid bluegills grow at phenomenal rates especially if you feed aggressively. The hybrid bluegill is a cross between the regular bluegill and the green sunfish. They have larger mouths than regular bluegill and are very aggressive when it comes to man made feed. They can be stocked year round. When 3 to 4 inch hybrids are stocked they will be a catchable size in six to eight months.
The hybrid bluegill is the perfect fish for small ponds of one acre or less.
Hybrids are better than the coppernose or any other bluegill for stocking in small ponds. One of the reasons for this is that you can use a higher stocking rate of 1500 hybrids per surface acre of
your pond. When it comes to stocking a pond an acre or less, the hybrid bluegill is an excellent choice.
The hybrid bluegill is the perfect fish for small ponds of one acre or less.