Eng. Luis Montenegro
Let us knowif you need a quotation.
Our troutis sold to Sweden (since1983),Norway, Germany, Belgium,Luxembourg, Canada, USA,Mexico, Argentina and Bolivia. Our Demanding system ofquality control, approved by EEC (PO14-QUI-PSFC), allows us to fulfil all thesanitary requirements of the different countries. In addition, our products areKosher and are under strict rabbinical supervision. The objective is to assurethe highest offer with the best quality, and the most refined in products ofTrout Rainbow that can be found in the market.
Weare lead in quality obtaining a natural product, with total absence ofchemicals, vaccines and antibiotics, applying system HACCP in all ourprocesses, under the strict norms of quality approved by Economic EuropeanCommunity.
Weare one of the most important exporters of fresh water Rainbow troutOnochorinous Mykiss) of Peru.Since 1973 inQuichuay, Jun
red meat
Fish Part: | Fillet |
Brand Name: | TROUT |
Place of Origin: | Peru |
Certification: | EEC |
Part: | Fillet |
Style: | Fresh |
Variety: | Sea Bream |
Category: | Fish |