Green Arowana green is the most common variety, found in Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaysia.
Red-tailed Golden is found in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
Malaysian Golden Crossback, Blue Base Golden, is native to the state of Pahang and Bukit Merah in Perak, Malaysia.
Red Arowana, Super Red, Blood red, or Chili Red originated from Indonesia.
We believe that the Arowana must be kept in its natural habitat. The natural water unpolluted waters from Bukit Merah Lake has let us successfully breed the captive Asian Arowana.
Our company and farms are located at Bukit Merah of Perak state, the world-renown golden dragon fish site in Malaysia. These lakes and rivers around the vicinity of Bukit Merah contain fresh natural unpolluted waters where these dragofish originates and thrives for centuries.
Bukit Merah Arowana Farm specialized in exporting and breeding pure-breed Malaysian Golden Arowana (Scleropages Formosus).
Asian ArowanaProfessional Breeder and Specialist
Asian ArowanaProfessional Breeder and Specialist
Style: | Fresh |
Category: | Fish |