M. S. Rhee/Director
MJ International Co., Ltd.
Mokpo city, Korea.
email : msr05 hanmail.net
Please kindly send us your requirements in detail so that we can make best offer.
Waiting for your kind reply. Thanks.
Our company was established in 1990.
We are looking for buyers who wants Korea dried lavers, dried seaweeds
Live abalone especially.
We are a supplier of seafood products grow in uncontaminated seas
in south part of Korea.
Our company is also located in that area, Mokpo port, southeast cost of Korea.
It's clean and beautiful natural environment place for producing the best quality
of laver & seaweed, Live abalone in Korea.
The area consists of several tens of islands.
Re : Dried Stone Laver & Seaweed, Live abalone from Korea
Re : Dried Stone Laver & Seaweed, Live abalone from Korea
We are a supplier of seafood products grow in uncontaminated seas