City Chocolate Fountains sells chocolate exclusively for chocolate fountains. We package the product specifically for you. We rent fountains in cities throughout the United States. We understand chocolate and how it runs through chocolate fountains.
Pricing (see order form)
Callebaut is in chip form. Merckens is a coin/wafer form (a bit larger- see picture on order form)
Packaging on the Callebaut chocolate is superior
Callebaut is packaged in 2 pound increments
Callebaut is a Belgium chocolate
Merckens vs. Callebaut Difference:
High Cocoa Butter content
No Lumping
Beautiful Glossy Coat
Low Cost
Flows Exquisitely
No minimum orders
No need to add oil
Great Tasting
Both Are:
We offer 2 brands of chocolate for your chocolate fountains. Merckens & Callebaut.
in Chocolate Sales for Chocolate Fountains"
"City Chocolate Fountains is the Leader
Chocolate Fountains
Purchase Chocolate
City Chocolate Fountains is the Leader
in Chocolate Sales for Chocolate Fountains"